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मन कसे जिंकायचे (7:39 minutes)

वेदिक तत्वज्ञानानुसार आपल्या विचारांचा उगम मनात वा बुद्धीत होत असतो. चंचल आणि अस्थिर मनात येणाऱ्या विचारांमध्ये सामंजस्याचा अभाव असतो. बुद्धी हिच मनाला नियंत्रित ठेऊ शकते, त्यावर जय मिळवू शकते.या चित्रफलितामध्ये मनावर जय मिळविणाऱ्या बुद्धीच्या विकासासाठी डॉ.जानकीजींनी केलेले अनमोल मार्गदर्शन बघावयास मिळेल.

Lord Krishna has expounded the profound philosophy of life in the 18 chapters of the Gita. He has explained in detail to his dear friend, Arjuna, the importance for fighting the war. Now, if Arjuna were to walk away, the battle would likely be lost. Even at this critical juncture, Krishna’s last words to Arjuna resound with supreme wisdom.

Intuition is a much abused word. People attach all kinds of meaning to it. Some consider it a revelation, others attribute mystical qualities to it; those suspicious of it, say it is nothing but a random thought without reason backing it. In this video, Dr Jankiji explains exactly what the word means and how we can recognize that we do know something intuitively.

Of the three yogas – Karma, Jnana and Bhakti, the last pertains to the realm of the heart. Dr Jankiji explores what treading the path of Bhakti entails and through that reveals how we can practice it.

Meditation is the rage in spirituality today. Many people believe that if they meditate, it will reduce their stress and bring them peace. Yet, if you are like most of humanity, it is likely that meditation isn’t for you! Why? In this video, Dr. Jankiji examines what meditation truly entails and who is entitled to practice it.

Death is inevitable. For everyone (and everything). But is it the end? Or is there something beyond it? Such questions have troubled contemplative minds of all ages. In this video, Dr Jankiji attempts an answer to these questions. She does so without taking recourse to any scriptures or authority. She merely analyzes the questions in a rational and logical manner, without forcing an answer on you. She leaves that final step to you.

What is the difference between Śruti (which literally means, that which was heard, in Sanskrit) and Smriti (which literally means, that which was remembered, in Sanskrit)? Does understanding this difference matter to us in our daily life? Does it help reconcile apparently contradictory scriptural injunctions? Does it help throw light on apparent inter-religious differences? Watch this short video by Dr Jankiji to find out.

Starting with Ganesh Chaturthi, when we invite Lord Ganesh to our homes & societies, our days are filled with thoughts of the Lord. We offer daily worshipful prayers to Him, sing & listen to His bhajans, revel in the sights of His beautfiul idols, or, in short, give Him center-stage in our lives. On the day of Ganesh Visarjan, we bid goodbye to Him by immersing Him in the vast blue ocean. Are the above activities done merely to celebrate a festival? Or do they hold a deeper philosophical meaning? Dr Jankiji explores this question in this video.

Om Saha navavatu…is an ancient prayer traditionally chanted before the study of a sacred scriptural text. All students attending Vedanta classes are familiar with it as they chant it at the beginning of class along with their teacher. Even so, many don’t know its meaning & import. In this video, Dr Jankiji explains the textual meaning of the prayer and brings forth its relevance & necessity for us even today.

The Law of Attraction(3:10 Minutes)

The Law of Attraction has captured the popular imagination today. Many well known people have vouched for its validity and effectiveness. In this video, Dr Jankiji examines this law & finds that there are some situations in which the law works and some in which it doesn’t. Why this dichotomy? Dr Jankiji goes on to trace its root cause.