Vedanta Wisdom Learning Portal

Vedanta Foundation Course

Course Relevance:

This course will be the basic eligibility for enrolling in other courses and events at Vedanta Wisdom Trust

Course Topics:

1. The Human personality and how it functions
2. The Nature of the world
3. The Spiritual path
4. Mahabharata
5. Readings from the Upanishads
6. The Law of karma
7. Yardsticks of Spiritual Growth

Format of the course:

1. 16 sessions of 1 hour each, consisting of 13 lectures, 1 Q&A and 2 Group Discussions
2. Online, pre-recorded sessions held once a week at a specific time
3. Evaluation Methods
a. 80% Attendance Compulsory i.e. 13 Sessions at least
b. Final Exam
c. Class Participation
d. Karma
4. Evaluation Criteria
a. Final Exam
i. 60% Multiple Choice Questions
ii. 20% Essay Type Questions
b. 10% Class Participation / Group Discussion
c. 10% Karma

Total: 100% [Pass-marks: 60%]

Course Certificate:

Successful students will be given a certificate from Vedanta Wisdom Trust


Suggested donation: ₹5,000 & above. This will go towards the creation of Residential Vedanta Facilities.